Friday, July 19, 2013

Eaton Downtown Dash - 5K

To start off the recap, this was supposed to be a 10K, but I switched it to the 5K a couple days before the race. It was just going to be too much. I'm seriously glad I did or I might still be running it now!

The temperature was 29 degrees Celsius and with the humidity it felt like 40 degrees Celsius.
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Bib and medal!
The race takes place a couple cities over from the one I live in so I had some idea of where it was however (and this is one of the flaws) there was no route map provided, therefore, I had no clue where the start line was and just happened to drive upon it as we were looking for somewhere to park.
We were promised lots of parking and there was sufficient but it was in local businesses that were either closed for the day or allowed the racers to park there. We ended up having to walk about 7 or 8 minutes to the start line. The boys got distracted by a park so I walked up alone.
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What goes on while I run
Of course, I was drinking water all day long, considering the heat and not wanting to pass out while running, which meant a trip to the port-a-potties. There were 6 port-a-potties and at least 4 times that amount of people waiting in line for them. Kinda sucked, but at least I went early enough before start time that I had enough time to make it back to the start line.
We all lined up, the gun went off and before we even turned the first corner, I felt something hit my foot and almost take me out. Turns out a lovely stroller jogger hit my feet and I almost went right down onto my face. Lovely. I was so pissed, but caught myself and continued on.
My splits weren't fantastic. I flew out again at 5:56 for the first kilometer and they continued to go downhill from there. My goal was to stay below 6:30 each kilometer but it didn't happen. I slowly started to creep up and I capped it with a 7:04.
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My littlest supporter!
There was only one water station at a little before 2.5 km and they had water, Gatorade and wet sponges. I took some water, had a sip and dumped the rest on my head. I grabbed a sponge too, but should have held onto it until later in the race. I could have used a second water station a little further in but there were also a few residents who were stuck in their houses while we ran who had taken out the garden hoses and spray bottles. I'm forever grateful for these people!
I had to walk a couple times, but it was short amounts and it was just to get my breathe back. If I tried to take a deep breath while running, it hurt and pretty much felt like my lungs were blocked off.
The crappiest part was when the 10K runners started passing us. I knew it was inevitable but it still sucked. I was over half way at least, which was my goal. If some of them passed me before I would have cried.
My chip time (which I use as my time) was 32:07, which gives me a new 5K PR down from 33:20.
At the end of the race, there was a spray tent, water, ice cream, pizza, massages, etc. We hung around until the first few 10K people came in and then decided to head home.
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Mmmm...definitely needed after the race!
Overall, it was a great race and I'll probably do it again next year. Hopefully it won't be as hot, but you never know!

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Clearly, the free Shreddies were more important than smiling for the picture!


  1. Congrats on the improved time.

  2. Awesome, congrats on the great run time! :)

  3. Congrats on your PR! That's awesome! I'm in the same boat as you. My 5K PR is 31:20(last year), but currently at about 32. My goal is to get under 30 min. Maybe we'll both be there before too long! :)
