Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Scotiabank 1/2 Marathon training plan

My next half marathon is a couple months away (95 days to be exact).

I'll be running the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Half Marathon on October 19th.

Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon, Half Marathon, 5K

Since the summer usually involves vacations where training is difficult to do, I chose a 12 week training plan, but have repeated weeks in order to ensure I haven't missed anything. Those weeks that I am away I'm hoping to run, but I think that taking a break from it to relax and have fun with family will be fantastic too!

My new training plan begins on Monday (July 21).

 Want to know what the best part is? It starts with a rest day!

I'm following Hal Hidgon's Novice 2 Half Marathon training plan but I've adjusted it to fit my schedule and needed rest days a little more than what is written. I'm still running the distances and number of days he recommends, I've just shifted things around to be able for it to work better for me.

I'm switching Thursdays and Fridays and may switch my cross training and long run days to be able to run long runs with the Nomads.

This week I'm just going to do some short runs (sub 5K) in order to get things moving without a lot of pain and discomfort. I'm also planning my nutrition and cross training in order to be in the best shape I've been for when the half arrives.

Any tips?

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