Thursday, June 6, 2013

How I got started..

As I stated in my first post, I started running to lose weight.

When I was younger and in high school, I hated running. I remember ranking sports on a three tier system based on how much running there was and that the only sports I would participate in would be those with little running (i.e. tennis at a very amateur level, volleyball, softball, etc.). I honestly would avoid it at all costs.

So how in the world am I hoping one day I'll run the Boston Marathon?
With my first son, I weighed 150lbs when I got pregnant. Throughout the pregnancy, I gained 35 lbs. Typical, right? No big deal. I thought, once this baby starts getting onto a routine I'll go workout and get myself back into shape.

My 'shape' became indented into the corner of my couch and the only weight I had lost was the amount that my son weighed when he was born.

Eventually, about a year later, we found out we were pregnant again. I weighed 180lbs. I hadn't worked out at all minus some little walks. Of course, just when I had planned to start to try running, get healthy and eat better, the idea of losing weight wasn't plausible anymore.

I topped out at 210lbs. That was just before my second son was born in October 2012.

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Definitely the heaviest I've every been! But the cute boys were worth it!
This time, I vowed that things were going to be different. I signed myself up for my first 5K at the Mississauga Marathon that would be held in May.

I then started doing the ever so popular Couch to 5K program.

This was the app I used (free on Google Play)

Living in Canada, it meant running in the cold, ice and snow and therefore I needed to gear myself up.

I went to the nearest running store, grabbed some tights and got fitted for my running shoes (hence the blog title), found a running buddy and completed the C25K program.

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I've fought through shin splints, freezing rain and lack of time and I was impressed I was still doing it.

I ran the race on May 5th and had an absolute blast. It was nice to see what all the hard work culminates too.

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Now, I'm addicted. I've got races planned from now until December and I'm looking at training for the winter months and drooling over treadmills and running shorts.

I guess the moral of the story is, if I can do it, you can do it. I know, that's very cliche but it's true!

I'm now training for my first 10K in July and a 15K in August. I'm hoping to up my distances next year and head into half marathon territory.


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