Monday, June 17, 2013

Am I pushing hard enough?

This is a question I find myself asking over and over again lately.
I've been reading other blogs and I see them all training for marathons and half marathons.

My longest run I'm working on this summer is a 15 K in August.

I feel like I'm slacking!!

Being someone who just started running in January, I didn't think a half marathon would be possible by the end of the year.

But could it be??
What to Choose?
I don't think I'm going to be trying for one this year since I'm registered for all my races already. But I look at some of the training programs online and there's no way I could keep up with them. I already have enough trouble finding time to run some nights as it is. There's been so many weeks where I've only been able to run one or two days and any other training would be nearly impossible when the boys are on opposite schedules (like today).

I feel as though I quit too quickly. Even when I run, there are days where I settle for a short run as opposed to pushing myself.

I'm think of getting up at 6 to go for a run before the boys wake up and my husband gets up for work. I figure it will help with the heat that is starting up and it will guarantee that it'll be done.

Maybe I'll try it on Wednesday and see how it goes.

So where do I go from here....

Do I change my Niagara Falls 10K to a Half? Or do I just settle with the 10K for now?


  1. Do what you feel you are able to do not what others are doing...remember you don't need to compare yourself to others, you are a runner no matter what and if you want to do a half then sign up for one and do it, it's 90% mental anyway...I am training for my first half and am up to 9 miles after breaking my pelvis last year while on a 10 mile training run, if I can do it, so can you! Have a great day!
    Shannon at I Survived and Now I Run

    1. Thanks Shannon! I have that constant problem of comparing myself to everyone. Congrats on the 9 miles! You're so close to that 10 mile mark! Thanks for the kind words of encouragement!

  2. I agree with Shannon. I learned early not to compare myself with other runners. Don't worry about going too far too fast. There will always be more races. Take your time and avoid injuries so that you can run and not be forced to take time off.
    Do the 10K and pick a half that you really want to do for your first one. You won't forget it and you will work hard to get there.

  3. Never compare yourself to others. You know your body and you know what your limitations are, so don't push yourself just because you think that "everyone is doing it." The only person you should be trying to match/beat is yourself. No one that is a decent person is going to be thinking any less of you for running shorter mileages!

  4. "Comparison is the thief of joy" - Theodore Roosevelt. I realize it's hard not to compare, but every runner is different, and to judge yourself and your accomplishments by others is only going to leave you feeling disappointed and unsatisfied.

    I agree with suzandees - do your 10K and choose a really amazing half. Enjoy the journey and be proud of yourself for your successes!

  5. I myself have just started running fairly recently (last August) and tend to fall into the same trap of comparing myself to what other, more experienced (and younger) runners are doing. NO NEED TO! Not only that, there's been more than one time when, for whatever reason, I've stopped runs short, generally due to exhaustion. When this happens, I run through a little checklist: Did I run? Yes! Am I really, really tired? Yes! So was it a successful run? YES! Enjoy your 10k and I have a feeling you're going to rock it!
