Monday, June 22, 2015

One Week

*Disclaimer* This post doesn't discuss running much. More my mental health.

I have one more week of school to go.

One more week and the craziness of being a full-time working mom calms itself down and I get to spend lots of time with my munchkins as I turn into a stay-at-home mom for a couple of months.

I'm really looking forward to it more than in previous years.

Not sure if it was my crop of kids this year or the fact that life is busier as my boys are getting bigger but I just feel that I need this summer break.

I feel like it'll give me a chance to get life and myself back on track.

Things just move slower. It's no longer waking up to an alarm clock, quickly getting the boys dressed and out the door and then coming home to get dinner made and to an activity. We just go with the flow, wake up whenever, no rushing.

Image: courtesy of

I'm excited to see where my running and fitness will take me.

I'm starting to look up recipes to try, exercises at the playground, those types of things.

I just need to make it through one more hot, sticky week in my classroom.

Do you take weeks off in the summer?

What are you looking forward to most?

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