Tuesday, December 16, 2014

I hate late nights at the gym

It's been a bit since my last post (sorry!) but I have a great update!
Since the end of October, I've lost 7ish lbs.
I know that's not a ton and I could probably have lost more in that time, but I'm quite pleased considering I'm working a full time job, being a mom and I hate working out late at night.
I've tried to be really consistent with going to the gym, which is where my hatred of working out late at night comes from. I prefer to go earlier in the afternoon and spend my evening relaxing on the couch. A few times I haven't had a chance to go earlier (especially with holiday parties and staff meetings) so I've had to drag myself at around 8:45. I honestly hate it. I feel like it takes me awhile to calm down and then I get to bed too late and it drives me nuts.
I've been taking great advantage of my Fitbit and doing some extra walking around the school and making sure I hit my 10,000 steps (minimum) and my eating has been on point recently. I'm making great choices with food and staying under my calorie goal.
As of today, I still have 3 more pounds to lose by Christmas Eve. I'm going to need to be very careful around all of these Christmas parties and dinners coming up!
My next goal is to get my butt off the treadmill and head out to start using some of the weights. I've only done weights once at the gym. I typically just run but I want to start toning up  as well so I'm working up the nerve. I'm looking forward to do some HIIT workouts.
Are you a morning workout person or an evening workout person?
What's your favourite HIIT workout?

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