Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Hydration, Hydration, Hydration!

During the day, I'm really good about drinking the water I need too. I constantly have a water bottle filled up and once I go back to work any break I get will be spent filling it back up again.
During my last long run (8k) I was constantly thinking about water and how I would have killed someone for a small drink.
When I started thinking about the longer runs I'm going to need to do for the half marathon, I started to get worried. I'm going to need something to help me out because I know if I stop at home to get water I'm going to stop and not go back out (more than likely one of the boys will be crying).
I've also thought about gels and chews and how to carry them if I'm running.
I've decided that I need to look a hydration belts or water bottles if I'm going to survive my half marathon training.
The issue is there are so many!!
2 bottles, 4 bottles, colours, hand held, etc!
R2O Revenge 2 Bottle Belt - O/S
Revenge 4-Bottle Belt
Do you use a hydration belt or hand held one??
Which one do you use?
Any tips?


  1. I've been pondering the exact same thing. I'm not a big fan of keeping something in my hands while I run so I'm thinking something in the line of a belt with 2 small-ish bottles.

  2. I use a handheld by fuel belt small. I stay hydrated all day and that is usually enough for me on a long run. I also try to plan to run by some place where I can refill if necessary.

  3. I use a handheld fuel belt too - I find it is much more comfortable than having the weight (and jiggling) around my waist!


  4. Currently I never run any farther than 5k, so all I do is make sure I'm hydrated before I set out. Can't go on doing this forever, though, as I really want to start upping the distances! And there IS so much choice! Hate holding things when I run so probably will go with the belt and also nice to have little compartments for keys, snacks, etc. Also would be good to get a belt you can attach a race bib to (saves pinholes in your shirt!)

  5. For my half marathon I ran with the $20 fuel belt from The Running Room - it has a 500mL bottle and that was all I needed.

    When I moved up to full training, I got the four bottle fuel belt with four 6oz water bottles. I bought an additional pocket for it because the small one it came with is not enough.

    Now I can run 20k on just one 8oz handheld bottle, but I also have a 500mL hand held.

    If you go handheld, get a spibelt for gels, keys etc. Those are awesome!

  6. I really like my hydration belt (2 bottle belt from Ultimate Direction) - if it's tightened properly, it doesn't shift around my waist, the bottles are easy to access, and there are cute little pockets in the front that are the perfect size for fuel gels AND bigger pockets in the back for keys, bag check info, extra gels, etc. (Mine is very similar to this one: http://www.amazon.com/Ultimate-Direction-Katoa-Waist-Sunflower/dp/B0062YXQP4/ref=sr_1_11?ie=UTF8&qid=1376880750&sr=8-11&keywords=ultimate+direction+hydration)

    I also have a handheld fuelbelt single bottle (like this one: http://www.amazon.com/Fuelbelt-Sprint-10-ounce-Holder-Pocket/dp/B004KQH760/ref=sr_1_26?ie=UTF8&qid=1376880828&sr=8-26&keywords=fuelbelt+hydration) which I like for training runs but would drive me crazy for anything longer than 5K I think. I do like that it has a pocket, so I can carry a gel with me easily.

    Some of my running buddies have a belt more like this one: http://www.amazon.com/FuelBelt-Ironman-Collection-Bottle-Green/dp/B009T0EXNW/ref=sr_1_17?ie=UTF8&qid=1376880916&sr=8-17&keywords=fuelbelt+hydration and during races, they refill the bottles at the water stops. I prefer my 20oz bottles because I'm terrified of running out of water, but this works for them and is a good, lightweight option.
