Monday, July 29, 2013

Noo! Stay away injuries!

Friday I was supposed to do a 5 km run with some strength training.
Instead, I sat on the couch with an ice pack.

Thursday, I took my oldest son to the circus. Between sitting on the bleachers and having him hoisted up on my legs so that he could see over top of the giant man in front of us (he wasn't giant, just felt like it), I ended up with a very sore knee when I woke up on Friday morning.
I have history with knee pain.
I used to play fast pitch softball (now I'm in the beer leagues, much nicer). I used to play catcher. This has wreaked havoc on my knee. I can't sit crossed-legged on the floor (tough for a Kindergarten teacher or mom to avoid) without some pain on my left knee. However, the pain from the circus was more of an overuse pain instead of a sharp pain.
Surprisingly, it feel fine when I run. There's no pain at all. Sometimes, after I run it's a little sore, but nothing like it was on Friday.
Happily, the pain went away on Saturday and my knee feels like it normally does. Slightly pain when it's tightly bent, but other than that. Nothing!!
I'm paranoid of getting injured. I refuse to go to the doctor to get my knee checked because I'm afraid that she's going to tell me more needs to be done and that I might even require surgery in the future. I've already dealt with a bad case of shin splints, but luckily they've stayed away.
I'm not sure if it had anything to do with stretching/icing or not, but, I don't want to run into anything in the future so from now on, stretching everyday!
Anyone have an awesome stretching routine they want to share??

1 comment:

  1. Hey Victoria - sorry about the knee pain. I have been having some knee issues off and on and like you, have not gone to the dr for the very same reason!

    In my case, I believe my problem stems from really tight hips and a tight IT band. I have started doing a 30 minute hip release yoga circuit and also found a 10 minute stretching program to address runner's knee. I'm happy to email you the links if you like.

    Take care,
    Keli :)
