I started running in January 2013 so approximately 18 months ago.
For about 16.5 of these months, I've essentially done the same thing.
I run around my neighbourhood, either following a training plan or just trying to get out there and keep my weight down.
The school that I currently teach at has one of 'those' families. You know the ones. They have 4 or 5 kids and by the end of their time at the school they've gone through almost every teacher, but they're an absolute blessing to have in your class and the parents rock? Well, the mom of that family and I would quickly discuss running at the end of the day pick up (her daughter was in a different class). I eventually ran into them at a (fairly popular) neighbourhood race and she quickly convinced me to join their running club.
That's it. Boom. I'm now part of a running club.
The club trains once a week at the high school track across the street from my house (they also do long runs but that's for a different day). Literally, a 5 minute walk from my door to the gate of the track.
As I walked over, I thought, there is no way this is going to go well. I'm going to make an idiot of myself. They're going to lap me 700 times. They're all going to be little, fit stick people. They've probably all been to Boston a million times and here I am trying to break a 30 minute 5K.
Well, I was right on most of the points.
Yes, they've all been to Boston many times (as noted by their swag), they're all extremely fit, by now they've lapped me at least 700 times but I didn't make an idiot of myself.
They welcomed me with open arms, asked about my running history and my goals and then got me started on track workout.
It's honestly been fantastic.
I broke through my 5k goal in about 3 weeks after starting at the track and now have a PR of 29:39 in the 5k.
At this point, I've only been doing 200m repeats, but apparently I'm moving up to 400m repeats next week. Things are getting serious! I'm hoping it will all help with my sub 2:30 goal at Scotiabank Half Marathon.
I also enjoy listening to them talk about their goals, times and events. They're all so accomplished and I can only hope to do that well in the future.
I find myself coming away from it with a good sweat, lots of calories burned and a positive attitude. I'm having a great time.
Are you part of a running club?
Do you do track workouts?